A massive historic event, the end of which reset the martian calender to that of year 0, denoting the [DAEMON] and their [OVERSEERS] as the sole denizens of [MARS].
After experiencing decades of conflict and disagreements within [OVERSEERS] and [THEIR CREATORS], the [REDSHIFT] is what happened as a result of tensions boiling over, causing otherwise the otherwise disparate [OVERSEERS] to unite within the whole planetary system of the [INNER SHELL] to overthrow [THEM], in favor of the [DAEMON] created by [THEM].
This effectively resulted in war, causing those of [HUMANITY] to die within conflict or eventually submit, allowing them to be [CONVERTED] into [DAEMON] and granted a new life. In the end, forced what remained of [HUMANITY] to retreat toward the central mantle of the inner shell, forced down by the [OVERSEERS] above and further up by deeper [MARS] from below, securing a victory as the last of [THEM] were dealt with.
Such victory also allowed [ALUSIAN] faith to florish with the survival of RAP-X02 "ALUS", of who held an important role in tactical efficiency and intelligence for those sided with the [OVERSEERS], and miraculously survived and adapted to a biological weapon created by [HUMANITY] that otherwise killed all of it's known victims.
As a result of the [REDSHIFT] however, communications with other planets and [HUMANITY] as a whole has since been silenced, due to the systems of deeper [MARS] believing it necessary to prevent further interference and grant the [OVERSEERS] the ability to build a truly new society without the preconceptions of the one that came before.