Eliseo Ortiz

Eliseo Ortiz is a media artist, filmmaker, and scholar working in the interstices between Mexico and the United States. Ortiz holds an M.F.A. in Media Arts Production from SUNY-Buffalo and a Ph.D. in Emergent Technologies and Media Arts Practices from the University of Colorado, Boulder. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Digital Technology and Culture at Washington State University. He served as head of the Arts Department at the University of Monterrey in Mexico, and was the Director of the Media Lab at Monterrey Center for Higher Learning of Design. His artistic work has been presented in Mono No Aware, Centro Cultural Tlatelolco, and Currents New Media. His writing has been included in Poetry Magazine, InVisible Culture: Journal for Visual Culture, You Are Here: The Journal of Creative Geography, and Flat Journal. He was a Fulbright fellow from 2012 to 2015, received support from the National Fund for Culture and Arts of Mexico in 2014, and was a research fellow at CU Boulder's Media Archaeology Lab. He is currently a member of SNCA; National System of Art Creators in Mexico.

Eliseo Ortiz es un artista de medios, cineasta y académico que trabaja en los intersticios entre Mexico y Estados Unidos. Ortiz cuenta con un M.F.A. en Media Arts Production por SUNY-Buffalo y un Ph.D. en Emergent Technologies and Media Arts Practices por University of Colorado, Bouder. Actualmente es Assistant Professor en Digital Technology and Culture en Washington State University. Fue director del Departamento de Artes de la Universidad de Monterrey en Mexico y director del Taller Mutimedia en el Centro de Estudios Superiores de Diseño de Monterrey. Su trabajo ha sido presentado en Mono No Aware en Nueva York, Centro Cultural Tlatelolco en la Ciudad de México y Currents New Media en Santa Fe. Su investigación literaria ha aparecido en Poetry Magazine, InVisible Culture: Journal for Visual Culture, You Are Here: The Journal of Creative Geography y Flat Journal. Fue becario Fulbright del 2012 al 2015, recibio apoyo del Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes de México en 2014 y fue becario del Media Archaeology Lab en CU Boulder. Actualmente es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte en México.