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Marcos Torres and the idealized U.S. citizen: Guide to the USCIS Naturalization interview and test |
This appropriation piece features actor Marcos Torres by utilizing excerpts from the DVD video-guide: "M-770: The USCIS Naturalization Interview and Test". The video installation appropriates study material provided for potential applicants for naturalization. It contains an interview reenactment that exemplifies "one possible scenario" of an interview situation that "the applicant might experience." In the video interview, Mr.Torres performs the role of the applicant. He is introduced by USCIS as the ideal representation of an immigrant citizen from Honduras, as well as a permanent resident in the United States. The screenplay utilized to create this video interview was taken from "The instructor's guide," also produced by USCIS and entitled "Guide to the USCIS Naturalization interview and test". |
Esta pieza de apropiación presenta al actor Marcos Torres mediante la utilización de fragmentos de la guía audiovisual "M-770: The USCIS Naturalization Interview and Test". La video-instalación contextualiza fragmentos de la guía proporcionada a posibles solicitantes de naturalización. La pieza contiene una emulación que ejemplifican el escenario hipotético de una entrevista que el solicitante pudiera experimentar. Mr. Torres juega el papel del solicitante. Él es presentado como la versión ideal e hipotética de un ciudadano inmigrante de Honduras y un residente permanente en los Estados Unidos. El guión utilizado para crear la falsa entrevista, es una adaptación de la guía para instructores producida por USCIS titulada originalmente "Guide to the USCIS Naturalization Interview and Test". |